Monday, February 19, 2007

Is it Safe to Use Whey Protien Drink?

Is it Safe to Use Whey Protien Drink?

When you regularly got the gym and you become an addict trying to get as big as possible. It is time to take note on the health issues as it can ruin your health completely.

A friend who is really an addict as he cannot live life without visiting the gym for times a week. I believe that is obsessive but it is a fact that this kind of excess use will not doubt create problems in different areas. BUilding muscles fast is a dream a bodybuilder will dream of.

He wanted to put on more weight so inevitably he started to take Whey Protein drink. After a few months he started to have red sopts showing on his arms. He did not think anything of it at first. But It did not get any better but worse.

He then chose to visit his doctor, which was a wise decison and was told it was because of his intake of Whey Protein. Although this was news to him it was evident that taking something as unnatural as Whey Protein will cause some health problems

The advice he received was to obviously stop taking it and if he wanted to have protein he must choose more natural sources. He was given a list which he has now followed with dedication. He has gone off the idea of building muscle.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

How effective is Whey Protein Drink

How effective is Whey Protein Drink

If you are a regular muscle building freak, then you cannot have missed the ultimate bodybuilding supplement - whey protein drink. It has optimal content in vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, EFA's and antioxidants. A review has questioned the effectiveness of this liquid drink for boosting your energy levels.

It is drank after the workout, and comes in powder form which has to be a mix with water or milk. Milk makes it more delicious and the shake is a recipe which has become the 'must have item' for bodybuilders world wide. Although it can be a concentrate form it does not loose it's sweet tasting credentials.

It is a designer drink which comes in flavoured or unflavoured packages. Whey protein drink can be used to supplement a meal only for a short period. As it can be filling for an hour or so. Then a regular meal which is healthy as it will have a more balanced diet containing all the required vitamins.

It feels like a milkshake from your local macdonalds but is more for the people who are involved in heavy physical training. You can buy it from the web or from local gym specialist shop. Soy protein should not be taken as food, as this can be dangerous to your health. conc. Make it a habit to eat after taking a whey protein drink. It will be rather extreme to ignore this advice.

whey protein drink resource:

resource whey protein drink article:

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